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Armin Sehic
web developer

I'm a web developer specializing in building exceptional digital experiences. I've been building things for the web for over 7 years, and along the way I've had the privilege of working for a plenty of different companies. I've built many different kinds of websites and digital products with tools like HTML & CSS, WordPress, 11ty, Vanilla Javascript and more.

Please scroll a little and check some of my projects!

My Skills!






Web design

Latest projects

Multilab Laboratory

I have developed a custom WordPress theme from design for our client "Multilab" Tuzla.

Final result is a beatifull looking website with excellent performance.

Technologies used:

  • WordPress
  • PHP
  • Vanilla Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
Project One

Website development

Apartments Rubinic

I have designed and developed the whole website using the Allogio WordPress theme

This is a luxury property and they have needed a great looking website with excellent performance.

Technologies used:

  • WordPress
  • HTML
  • CSS
Project Two

Website design
and development

'Ard - E-commerce website

The customer wanted to introduce his new product in the best possible way.

For that, they have wanted a top looking website with animations and with a great loading speed.

There was a lot of custom development involved, mainly CSS.

Technologies used:

  • WordPress
  • HTML
  • CSS
Project Three

Website design
and development

List of all projects I made